Shower Water Structuring Unit (by Natural Action Technologies)
- 3rd Party Lab Proven Performance
- Researched by loved ones, to protect loved ones
Did you know that it is possible to have water as healthy as a mountain stream?
The highly effective compact unit is designed for use with your home shower. Installation can be done by almost anyone in a few minutes. We supply the necessary fittings ready for installation between your existing shower head and spout.
Previous versions of this model has proven to be extremely popular for renters, and for fanatic homeowners who want both a whole house unit combined with more structuring at each point of use (not necessary, but often preferred).
Enjoy a more refreshing and vitalizing shower with smoother and softer water. Your body will notice the difference! Results in smoother skin and reduced effects of chemically treated water. Less soap is needed along with less scale buildup and reduced mold. Your shower curtains will require less cleaning too! Enjoy a healthier, more effective and better feeling shower while spending less time cleaning.
Shower head NOT included. This is shown in image so that the shopper can visualize how their own shower head would attach.
Structured Water Generator: Here’s How They Work
Our devices are designed to emulate nature through motion and materials. Water Vortices have long been known as water’s way of self-cleaning and energizing itself and the environment. Natural Action units utilizes a specific flow form geometry to establish a balanced vortex motion within the water.
Dual Helix Vortex
By its unique and innovative design, a special dual or double helix vortex is induced into the water. This basic function is achieved seamlessly through the special flow form and is the reason rivers and streams in nature always alternate between left and right turns.
In addition, we implement rare and proprietary materials within the flow form which through vibrations inherent to all matter, transfer properties into the water without physically adding anything to the water. This form of treatment alters the organizational levels of the water’s molecules to a higher degree. Power is not needed for our devices and there are no filters or moving parts to replace.
Energies and properties are altered in the water to improve and restore natural functions. By including the basic principles which are contained in a natural mountain stream, we bring to you energetically and molecularly organized water. Once an esoteric and elusive mystery, Structured Water also known as Living Water is now understood and explained on a scientific level and is of great interest to consumers, agriculture, industries, and universities throughout the world.
Explore Benefits of Structured Water
Structured Water is The Type of Water Found In Nature

Water found in fruits and vegetables, springs, mountain streams, and rain is structured water. It is also the water found in the cells of living things, including us! New physics and wave particle knowledge shows us that when water moves and spins, it re-organizes and re-structures to create electrical charge.
Once this change happens, water is better described as structured water. Structured water, describes what water does in motion, over space and time. Structuring water allows electrical charge to begin cascading or hopping from one molecule to another, creating more charge, more energy. This spin and structure turns water molecules into tiny batteries. Though theorized for over 100 years, it was first documented by Dr. Gerald Pollack at the Pollack Lab, University of Washington, Seattle.
5 Key Differences Between Structured and Tap or Bottled Water

You will find structured water to be fresh tasting and invigorating.
The structured phase of water:
- Hydrates with less liquid, perhaps up to 1 to 2/3rds less. So 8 glasses a day is not the way with all its frequent trips to the restroom;
- Matches water found inside cell membranes of all living things …that’s us, microbiome, mitochondria, plants, animals, microbes in soils and seas;
- Conducts electricity more profoundly, for example, it’s used to create sonograms and cardiograms;
- Is augmented by light (sunshine and Infrared) and sound waves (frequencies and vibrations). Frequency and vibration can be understood as simple movement, exercise, dance, or any form of percussion;
- Can be found in water rich foods such as fruits, veggies, plant leaves, roots and seeds. The book Quench, co-authored by Dr Dana Cohen, MD and the Hydration Foundation’s founder Gina Bria, provides a simple, easy to implement program to achieve real hydration including over 50 recipes with structured water rich foods.
Source: The Hydration Foundation