Gladewater reports elevated lead levels in drinking water
The city of Gladewater posted a warning Monday evening about elevated lead levels found in drinking water in buildings or homes from June through September.
Lead can cause serious health problems, especially among pregnant women and young children, according to the warning the city posted in response to a notification from the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality.
Though most sinks had low levels of lead in the drinking water, some had high levels above the action level of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of 15 parts per billion, or 0.015 milligrams of lead per liter of water.
The city notice also said the high levels do not violate state or federal laws. However, the city is required to post lead public education and to implement a program to minimize lead in drinking water if subsequent samplings show a high lead reading.
The program could include adding corrosion control treatment, source water treatment and possibly replacing lead service lines.
City officials advise anyone who has questions to call City Hall at (903) 844-6331.
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Visited 2018/11/27 1:04PM
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